Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Essay as Told by Rose - the Llama

Let me tell you about our shepherdess, Miss Beth:
rose She’s a very tactile person. She loves playing with fiber both on and off the hoof. I have to admit there are some days that you get an itch in a hard to reach spot and she can find it! We all love a good body rub! Oh, my name is Rose, let me finish my carrot before I continue - need to be polite!

Lady JaneThis is Lady Jane - she’s my mom. Mom was abused by her 1st owner before I was born. I was born when mom was sold to the 2nd owner. Miss Beth is my mom’s 4th and my 3rd owner. Mom is very mistrusting of people after being handled wrong. Miss Beth has worked very hard at earning Mom’s trust. Now Mom will go over the teeter-totter obstacle as long as Miss Beth is on the other end of the lead. That is a big deal if you had seen Mom when we 1st came here! Yes, Mom is the head critter here at WillowLark.

049This Miss Beth’s boy, Dylan and his Alpaca - Dawn’s Early Light. Dawn will never be bred as her ovaries are undeveloped. That means cria-like fiber every year! Miss Beth loves that idea! She’s a good 4-H alpaca for Dylan!

048Here’s WillowLark’s Colored Angoras;
Merlin, Sophie, Pixie and Arthur. They are a friendly bunch. Lil’ Finn is in the picture but he wasn’t born yet…lol.

There’s Lil’ Finn!

095This is Andy. A rejected ram lamb. His mother was slamming him against the barn and Miss Beth was offered Andy as the breeder didn’t want to feed another bottle baby. Miss Beth was concerned about internally injuries, so Andy got to be in the house for ten days. Andy would sleep on the dog pillow or with the dogs during naptime and spent nights in a large dog box. When Andy came out to the barn, Miss Beth had him in a fleece lamb coat. Mom and I took over from there and we’ve been “raising” Andy, keeping him out of trouble and such. Mom puts him to bed in the barn same time every night…7:30ish. Andy sleeps in a corner and Mom lays down in front of him.
I think Andy has species issues. He plays with the family’s two former foster Boxers they adopted. He hangs out with us - llamas. Andy has even gone to the “pile” and eliminate just like us! And he likes to snuggle up with Miss Beth and Courtney. (Miss Beth’s 3rd Daughter -19). So is he a sheep or a llama-dog-human-sheep? He’ll figure it out!

This is a pic of Andy last month.

That’s me, my Mom and Trooper from right to left. I tried to upload a pic of Trooper by himself but it just didn’t work. Remember, I’m a llama and my toes make it hard to type. Trooper was rescued by Miss Beth and Miss Courtney from a farm that had to remove the llamas or they would be put down the next day. They helped to rescue 20 llamas that day. Trooper was a yearling when he came. He will never go to show or do PR work as his digestive tract goes crazy when he’s stressed. So Trooper gets to stay on the farm and never have to worry about food again! Trooper loves Mr. Tim the most out of anyone here!

The rest of the critters photos won’t load so I’ll just have to write without props I guess. I will give them their moment in the spotlight though:

Jrflection, Rosetta, Dain and Jubie are the LaMancha does. Miss Beth had to drink goat’s milk as a kid due to allergies and she has raised her brood on gmilk too. I still can’t get over the fact that they look like they lost their ears. Miss Beth told us they are good examples of the breed, so I guess the ears are meant to be tiny. Oh, and Tag-you’re-it came to the farm Sunday…don’t get too close as that buck reeks! I’ll be so happy when breeding season is over. The does like the buck to smell like that? What are they thinking. I’ve mentioned Andy - the Corriedale ram lamb. The other sheep is a black/silver Corriedale - Brunhilda - Bruni for short. Add Bowen and Jewel the pygmies and that is the end of the quadrupeds. Toss in the ducks, chickens, and dogs and it’s a large family!

Miss Beth loves to spin our fiber! I swear she’s like me when I see my favorite grain coming. Miss Beth doesn’t dance around as much but boy just look at her smile when she’s cleaning a fleece!

When it’s Spring Shearing time, while waiting our turn, you can see Miss Beth skirting the fleeces as Mr. Doug shears us. When the humans take a break you can see Miss Beth labeling a lock of fiber from each critter. Then she takes a little of fiber and hand spins it to see if the blend is working for her. That woman loves that fiber!

Miss Beth loves color, you should see her yarn stash! But our fleeces she likes to keep natural. Miss Beth was working on a combo of my medium brown llama fiber and some cream/apricot angora. It was quite pretty. I think that is why she loves Colored Angoras and the possibilities that can be created with her blends. When Miss does dye a batch, she prefers natural dyes . You can see her on sunny days gathering her various plants - planted and wild - to get going on her dyeing. You should have seen the big wagon, full of Goldenrod she harvested!

Why was Miss Beth talking about an essay contest to win a small Angora flock? Seemed strange to us, but the animals here at WillowLark decided to write an essay for her. Miss Beth is happiest when she’s with us. Even on her worst days, you will find her coming to the barn for respite from her Fibromyalgia. I mentioned her health not to gain pity for her but to explain why a lady is coming out to the barnyard and sitting in the cast iron bathtub the goats lay in and petting anyone who comes by. No matter how bad she hurts - she still does the day’s chores twice a day, plus playtime with us. Miss Beth tells us that we are God’s gift to her when she’s hurting. We get a great rubdown too!

Miss Beth, her husband Tim, daughters Hillary, Lindsey, Courtney, her son Dylan, grand cubs - Bailey, Chealee, Jolie, Sophie and baby Nolan (due in December), enjoy critters. The family is very 4-H. Sitting on ten acres with another 20 acres coming after…not going to go there! A special grain mixture that Miss Beth’s mom came up with that serves all our needs - yes my candy as Miss Courtney calls it. Top quality hay - no mold ever hits our hay racks. Detailed records on each of us, from worming to any innoculations we need, heat cycles for the goats, it is all recorded. Rotation of fresh grass, always improving fencing and shelters - Miss Beth is always doing something that has to deal with fiber!
Why Miss Beth? She and her family promote Colored Angoras and their worth to anyone they talk to. It’s amazing how happy she gets when she’s talking about her goats with fiber!

I hope I did Miss Beth justice! I know she hates talking about herself. She’d rather be doing - not tooting her own horn.

It would be great to win this wonderful flock for Miss Beth. If she doesn’t - Congratulations to you who did win!

I’ll keep my toes crossed for luck,
Cherokee Rose Bud

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Sock Thing

I tried the different ways to knit socks:
  • One-at-a-time on double pointed needles (DPNs). This is how I did my first pair.
  • Magic Loop - two socks at the same time on one long circular.
  • Two socks on two circulars.
To spice it up a bit:
  • Two socks - Toe up on Magic Loop. I had two pair on different circulars, 1 toe-up the other pair cuff down.
  • The 2 circulars socks were toe up.
  • The DPNs socks were cuff down.
I found out that no matter how easy it may seem, I, personally can't get a handle on 2 socks on 2 circulars. I have knitted a pair on the 2 circulars - but that was one sock at a time. It's just 2 needles - four points. Should be easy to handle the extra sock. I kept getting lost and tangled. I will attempt them again but at the moment. It's not contender.

Magic Loop - I thought I would have the same problem I was having on the 2-on-2. Once I got it figured out it was fast and fun! Stitch markers really came in handy on this one! I liked how I didn't have to pick up a dropped needle. That was an added plus! My toe-up socks on Magic Loop are going slowly, not due to any problems but to lack of time.

DPNs...this is my go-to-for-mindless knitting. Handy for waiting at the doctor's office, in line at the stores, walking to my Dad's (yes, I can knit and walk at the same time)! I love to make my husband's socks this way! Sometimes his socks have more miles on them before he wears them! I take the DPN socks wherever I go!

I do know of another way to make socks but that leaves a seam to sew up and I'm darn picky about things like that. The less to seam-up the less aggravation in the wearing!

So let's see;
  • Magic Loop - toe-up or cuff-down - lacy or basic patterns. I will use this method for at least half of my sock knitting.
  • DPNs - my favorite hands down. I don't even need to think about the pattern. Just need the weight of the yarn, the needle size the stitches per inch, the shoe size of the person I'm knitting them for and let me have at it!
  • Two-socks-on-two circulars - not doing 2 socks at a time. Just one, very lonely one-at-a-time pair. I may revisit this method but for now - ain't gonna happen!
  • Toe-up or cuff down - this is a non-issue. It's the pattern of the sock that will grab my attention.
The experiment is done. The trials, the frogging-it, the where is sock A, B, or C is over. Now I just have to finish that last few rows and bingo 4 pairs of socks will be done! It was a fun experience. A learning experience that has me wanting to go to a yarn shop and say,
"I like knitting socks - the method doesn't matter". That would drop some stitches wouldn't it?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Whose Bright Idea Was This?

"Just how many socks do you have going?" Hubby asks.
"3, with 3 more skeins waiting". I reply.
"Is that all?" Hubby says laughing.
"Yes, I want to see which method of knitting sock I like."

Flashback: I wanted to see which of three methods of knitting socks I prefer. Magic Loop (a 36-40" circular) knitting 2 socks at once, 2 Socks on 2 circulars, and using double-pointed-needles (dpns) knitting 1 sock at a time (I don't suffer from Second Sock Syndrome).

I usually use DPNs for knitting socks. It's the way I caught the sock knitting bug. Yet, if there is a way to that makes 2 socks at the same time. I'm willing to give it a shot. Since I don't have books on the different sock methods, I hit the web. After reading a few different people's versions on the two methods I jumped in. Also, their guesstimate on the time saved in doing the two socks at the same time was an interesting factor. From 1/3 to 1/2 in time reduction for the knitting. That would be nice!

Magic Loop - 2 socks at a time....found a pattern I like. It's toe up. Figured since I was going to try other needle methods may as well as in the toe-up version to keep things interesting. Once I got the cast on figured out I hit the floor running. Easy, fun and if I make a mistake... I seem to do it on both socks. They are a couple and so it seems right.

I must admit; I have made one pair of socks using 2 circulars to knit a pair of socks. I am doing another pair so I have all three methods going on at once. Easier to compare for me that way.
The socks are cuff down and I am working on the ribbing.

The DPNs socks - one down, one to go.

I am getting yards knitted during my research. And 3 pairs of socks will be done too! Nice bonus!

Still whose bright idea was this anyway? I knit socks with DPNs. Why try Magic Loop and 2 circulars to knit a pair of socks? What was I thinking? Knitting 20 rounds on this pair...and repeat on the two others. The only difference is one pair is toe-up.

I have gotten myself confused a couple of times. Thinking I was knitting 2 Circulars and actually was doing Magic Loop made for a few intense moments of finding where to put the loop again.

It's fun and educational. Again, whose bright idea was this?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So Many Choices

Knitting socks is fun. I don't know why I like to knit socks, and I don't want to figure it out.

You can knit socks:
  • Cuff-down - starting at the top and working to the toe
  • Toe-up - starting at the toe and working to the cuff
  • Vertically - side to side
You can knit socks using:
  • 4 Double Pointed Needles (DPNs)
  • 5 Double Pointed Needles
  • One Long Circular - 36'-40' long circular (also known as Magic Loop)
  • Two Circulars - usually 2 24" circulars or a 24" and a 16" circulars
  • One Long Circular to knit 2 socks at once
  • Two Circulars to knit a pair at the same time
Which way is the best? Ask a practitioner of the various needles categories and you guessed it you will get 7 different answers. Oh, you noticed that I listed 6 needle choices? The 7th person is the one who has never cast-on a sock, nor ever wanted to but as an accomplished sweater knitter feels free to voice an opinion. Feel free to go to a knitting group as a newbie and ask innocently which way should a beginner choose to knit socks. Be forewarned; it's like asking if you should block your knitting before making it up.

I've read about Magic Loop, Two Circulars and two socks at the same time, toe-up, cuff-down (which is the way most of my favorite sock patterns are made). I learned on DPNs.

Hmmm...I have decided to try:
  • 2 socks on 2 circulars - a cuff down pattern
  • a pair that is knit on my fav DPNs - cuff-down -( have the 1st set of bamboo, size 3 DPNs that I love to knit socks with. Used to have 5 in the set...sadly hubby stepped on one and it cracked)
  • Magic loop one sock - toe-up - having a problem on the two socks with this method (a how-to in front of me would certainly help)
I'm going to go knit one of these socks now. Planning on knitting the three ways I've listed each day. I'm curious to find out which way will be my favorite - If I have a favorite at all.

Here socky, socky.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Vulture Habit

It was just a few skeins waiting patiently to be knit up, bought for a particular project.

I like to buy on sale, so I keep a knitting journal with ideas, patterns and where to find them, yarn specifications, and needle sizes. Then, I keep an eye open for sales and then pounce! The sock yarn I bought at 30% off three weeks ago, hit the clearance section for 1/2 off...snap - another skein of yarn was attached to my hand and I couldn't shake the dang thing off. It came home with me. It's sitting it the basket with the other sock yarn - 7 skeins total...happy to have been bought and dreaming of the pattern it will become.

Really it's only 7 skeins of sock yarn. It's not like they're rabbits and go making baby skeins! The color combos would be very interesting to say the least!

Working happily on the Felted Backpack for Potluck Yarns I thought I felt a shift in the yarn force. Ever so subtle but still felt it. Continued on the Backpack - it's finally dry and ready to ship! Started to clean up my yarn drawer in the living room. One drawer in the dresser that serves as a critter stand is for current projects, patterns, magazines and such. The shift happened again. Putting stuff where it goes..like a bookcase - who knew?

Entered the craft/business room upstairs I saw it. It looked innocent enough...hiding behind the skein of variegated blue sock yarn. Yarn in rectangle storage containers. The big ones that can hold a skein on end - if it's a small length one. Bigger skeins have to be placed on their sides. Have two of those containers. I can open them up, see what's there - no buried yarn. Plus various other holders, plastic bags with zippers hold projects waiting around but nice and safe of crawlies.

Then it happened........I touched the sock yarn....BANG...the yarn force shifted hard! Like magic all this yarn was sitting there. More than I remembered. Honest...never saw it coming! It's only bought on sale...I can't remember when I paid full price for a skein of yarn. There's the yarn for a felted bag. The silk that is going to be a tank top of sorts. The alpaca that is going to be a loose fitting cardigan. The dang fun fur of various colors and other small balls of acrylics waiting to be Gnomes. The cotton that is going to be a lace cardigan. Another set of cotton that is being made in to top. The rust color yarn that is going to be gingerbread men. The Noro that was one sweater that is frogged back to skeins to be another sweater. The mohair that was becoming a sleeved wrap but is becoming a hoodie. It fits on a set of metal shelves in containers, plastic bags, in baskets and the few rebels who sit mocking me on the shelf.

I have vultured myself into a stash mountain. At least by my standards! It's still only one metal shelf unit but for me - the amount I have is huge! DD#2 asks "Mom, could you make something white for Sophie to wear? You have enough yarn you should be able to do that." Funny...I only buy yarn when it's one sale. I don't buy just because I may one day use it. Except for the few wayward skeins of acrylic that was donated to me, the yarn is meant for something specific.

Touching that one skein of sock yarn caused the mole hill to become a mountain on by my standards. (I've seen the stash pictures of some ravelry members...mini stores! Whole rooms just for their stash.) I'm stuck in my stash and I have to knit my way out! I'll be here for a few months. Send food, water and lots of chocolate. This is gonna take awhile!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's just Socks?

With 4 skeins of sock yarn sitting around staring at me, waiting to become more than just a ball of yarn, I search Ravelry for sock patterns.

Why knit socks when you can get a pack of 10 for $6? I like how something is always going on with socks. Cuff, leg, heel, gussets, foot and final toe - reverse for toe-up. The yarns can be solid, varigaited, self-stripeing, the list goes on. The patterns can be just a good basic sock to colorwork, lacey, ankle, crew, knee-hi, enterlac, easy to complicated.
You can knit socks with:
1 - 5 Double Pointed Needles (my preferred method - I still have my bamboo size 3 dpns that
see lots of sock yarn)
2 -Two Circulars (I find this method fun and easy - and no dropped or lost needles!)
3 - One Large Circular - using one long circular - 36 -40" to knit the socks (I am about to try this
method. I'll see how this goes)
You can do variations on the circulars: two socks at a time!

You can start socks at:
1 - Cuff down
2 - Toe-up
3 - Horizontally - which results in a seam.

I usually knit my socks cuff down. I am going to do a toe-up design next. Hmmm, haven't had much luck in getting a good start on toe-up socks. Again, enter search mode, finding Magic Cast On. Ding. Ding. Ding. I love it! It's neat, easy and works everytime! What more could I want from a cast on? Thank you Judy Becker!

Came home from a get-out-of-the-house run with...another skein of sock yarn. (total skeins of sock yarn - 5). Yes, there are people out there with more sock yarn than can be knitted in a year. (If they are knitting other things too), I'm not one of them. I think having 5 skeins waiting - 3 on-the-needles, 2 on deck waiting is plenty for me!

Socks...wonderful knitting projects. Fast, fun, portable and well liked. What more could you want in a project?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Must Resist

I swear I can here some yarn calling my name wanting me to cast on a new project. Spent this past Lent working on any WIPs (Work-in-Progress). Finishing up the putting together, or making up as they say in the fiber world.

Dare I list what is on-the-needles? Why not? Let's be wild!
  1. Granny Square skirt - hmmm it's at the making up stage - on the shelf
  2. Chicken Potholder - 3/4 of the way to the finish - next to the laptop. When I'm waiting on the dail-up I work on potholders...great way to make Christmas gifts all year!
  3. Titicaca - cardigan - 1/4 done - in the project drawer in the living room
  4. Spring sweater - froggin' it and remaking
  5. Prayer Shawl - 3/4 of the way done.
  6. Socks- hubby's - 1 done casting on tonight for it's partner
  7. Socks - DD#3's - cast on and that's all that's done
  8. Horse sweater for GD#2 - 3/4 done- having a heck of time keeping the color changes straight.
  9. Miss Molly Doll - 1/4 done - the legs...need to get fiberfill before I go any further.
  10. Strawbeary - again need fiberfill - 1/2 done.
Not as bad as I thought! I won't list what's in the queue for casting on...I think I would scare myself!

To the needles and string!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Bought Yarn Just Because...Sort Of...

I went to the LYS (local yarn shop) to find a pattern for a cute sweater for the under utilized group of 4-10 size for kids. Never go w/ your family. Hubby, dd #3 and son, as I looked for patterns to knit, they were enjoying the rest of the store. When we met back up, they started checking out yarn.

"Mom, this is nice"....feeling weak at the knees. "This is awesome sock yarn - I love the colors". DD#3 knows my weakness for socks! I knew better than to reach out and touch it. Dear Daughter #3 has a pair of socks started on the needles already. I usually finish a pair of socks before I buy more sock yarn. I resisted! Then it called to me I swear! A wonderful black to light gray skein of the softest superwash wool I've come across. Same yarn DD#3 liked but it made me think of Hubby. Who likes crew socks, size 10 shoe- more knitting. The skein never left my hand. Even joked that they don't see a skein in my hand. Up to the register w/ the patterns I found and the yarn. I bought a skein of yarn just because I fell for it. Didn't make it half way home before I had a pattern figured out for Hubby's socks. Wouldn't ya know, I left my knitting bag at home. The first time I left at home on purpose and I needed my sock needles!

I'm not one to buy yarn because the sale is 80% off original price just to have it. I am not one who sees a ugly, I mean really ugly mustard yellow 100% wool on super sale and buy up the last 20 skeins just because it's on sale. Wait, I mentioned this in another post...fast forward.

I do buy yarn when it's on 80% off, in the color, content and amount I need for a project that all the details are in my knitting journal. Sue me, I like to make notes...(I can never remember if it's 653 yards in a worsted weight or 356 in a chunky weight). A beautiful 100% cotton, in a natural that I coveted while it was full price, I will buy! I need 6 skeins! The Cherry Tree Hill, a sport weight mohair boucle in Serengeti (bright pinks, yellows, oranges and reds) original price $35 for $7.56 - in the basket it went. I also tossed in a couple of skeins of Red Heart texture yarn in gold too. Total of $117 worth of yarn for $30 bucks!

The Cherry Tree Hill is going to be a sleeved wrap. The cotton a basic cardigan - gotta love wardrobe builders. The gold yarn is already made into prayer shawls. All had a purpose before I bought them. Just waited like a vulture for the discounts!

Back to that wonderful black/gray superwash wool sock yarn. It calls to me daily. It's where I can see it. I need the needles that are already in the middle of the cuff of DD#3's socks. Talk about getting it done! Happy Happy Joy joy - I bought a skein just because, sort of!

Monday, March 16, 2009

2009 Lenten Practice

I've finished the baby sweater. I mean the sweater is totally complete! Down to the blocking and making up! There is a first for everything! Let's see that's 3 prayer shawls, a two-layer lace hat and a baby sweater I've finished so far.

Which means I had to go WIP diving to find something else to finish. Chealee's bday is coming up in May. Have a Horses, Horses (www.marymaxim.com) sweater with the sleeves and back done, that I started before Christmas. Just need to do the intarsia front and that is why it is sitting in the WIP pile. So here I am making small progress on the sweater. It's a pattern that is best done in small doses, while things have settled down at the end of the day and all I have to think about are the color changes.

I have been diligent on my Lenten practice. I have all that new yarn to play with and I have yet to fight the cast-on urge! Seems that this year, I am determined to get this done! The mind is a powerful thing!

At least I am getting things finally finished!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

During Lent

The Lenten Season is a time of preparation, penitence and prayer. It is also a time that some denominations "fast" from something. No chocolate, no chips, pop or tv during the season, meatless Fridays. It must be something that is difficult to abstain. I've done the chocolate thing...not pretty but I did it! Change has come to this Lenten practice: add something that helps you or others. Something that you need to do but as all habits take 21 days to make or break, Lent is a great time to start!

So what have I decided to do during Lent? Thought of my cola habit, chocolate, adding miles to my walking, the list was interesting. After a recent yarn purchase...$117 worth of yarn for $30! I needed to add another option: Finish all WIPs! Seeing my list here on my blog shows I have many things to finish or rip out and reskein the yarn for a future project. So after my huge "shopping spree": hey, I got clearance yarn for 80% off and I was waiting for just that for some of the yarn I got! I don't like paying full price! Sales and discounts are the thing!

Back to my WIPs...after my 3rd Prayer shawl, I realized that yes, finishing what's sitting on-the-needles, stitch holders and maybe I am not really happy with that project is a perfect Lenten practice for me! The new yarn is calling me! I want to cast on something new but I need to finish at least 6 things first! (I didn't say I wouldn't start anything new - I have 3 bday presents and an Easter sweater to cast-on.) I must finish all current projects by Easter!!!!! Anything started now does have deadlines - most of them happen to be in Lent - go figure.

These projects are getting done! So far, 3 shawls, and a two-layer alpaca hat. At the moment I'm working hard on Hannah's baby sweater. That is the other thing I'm doing during this time; working on the current project and only the current project. That takes patience and self-control I must admit! I have a pair of tipless gloves I'm designing, Jolie's bday sweater, the intarsia sweater for Chealee, the cardigan in a wonderful cotton call from deep inside the dresser where I put my stalled projects, I crave the variety they all bring!

So, this Lenten season has me knitting all WIPs and working them one at a time until they are done. Maybe one or two can become the bday presents! There are times I want to set down the very long series of garter stitch (knitting every row) and grab something more interesting, but I say a prayer for strength, take a deep breath or three, and make a pot of sweet tea and sit down and pick up the needles and get the project done! Easter will shine bright and warm, and I'll have everything I've neglected and sitting in the dark done!!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Seasons are Not in Alignment

It doesn't matter how well you plan. It doesn't matter how fast you knit. It doesn't matter who/what or why you are knitting. The season you should be knitting for is the next one!

Knitting a sweater takes time. Lots and lots of time. You buy the newest magazine, dreaming of a wonderful 100% silky cotton sweater for Spring. You find the perfect pattern right in the middle of said magazine. You even have the yarn laying-in-waiting for just this project.

The tail-end of Winter is giving you a taste of Spring - weather is warm enough for a sweatshirt in place of a heavy coat. You cast on...you knit for a few inches enjoying the feel of the cotton and the fabric you are creating. You set it down and go to bed and dream of how nice that sweater is going to feel on a still cool Spring day. You wake up - snow, snow and blowing snow. Spring is just around the corner but Winter is reminding you it is well, Winter. Cold, harsh, cold Winter.

That wonderful Spring sweater looks at you, you look out the window at the blowing snow, you look at the sweater and again at the snow. Bam, you go diving into your WIPs and find something warm, thick and soft to work on. It is amazing how just a little snow can make you yearn for chase away the cold knitting instead of the knitting that you need to do for the coming season! It amazes me how a little precipitation can make you switch your knitting!

Redwing Blackbirds are back! That means Spring is very near!!! Probably should get back to that Spring/Summer knitting. After I finish this warm, thick pair of slippers!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Knitter Doesn't Let Another Knitter...

Knit a hat with a super chunky yarn on a size two circular! The frustration for the new knitter. The fabric that would be created...not gonna even think about that!

Kristy is a new knitter. She bought yarn because she liked it and wanted to one day knit. Kristy went to Mt. Bruce fall weekend and bought a 'how to knit socks on two circular' book and two Addi Turbo circular needles - size two. You see where I'm headed yet?

There was a knitting group at our local library where I taught knitting and had fun. Invited Kristy and she has a knack for it. Her tension was awesome. Kristy learned how to knit and purl in less than 15 minutes and still had awesome tension! It has begun.

Kristy and I went for a LYS run. She found some yarn that she wanted to make into socks. Kristy doesn't start small does she? We tried the two circulars...it wasn't working for her. I loaned her a set of bamboo double pointed needles...she was on to getting a sock started and finished! Huzzah Kristy! She now is suffering SSS - Second Sock Syndrome...it's on the needles and that's about it.

Enter the bulky yarn. Kristy wants a soft hat. A soft barn hat. She's trying them on her size two circular. I must admit I prefer to knit hats on a circular. No need to sew up the back which is the way I like it! Kristy says she wants a hat without a seam. Makes sense doesn't it? Kristy admits she has ripped it out a few times. She doesn't have a pattern she was just gonna figure it out on her own. Guts that girl! I told her how to start her basic hat. Measure her head, find the stitches per inch she was getting. Multiply the head measurement and her stitches per inch to get her cast on number. She asked about a folded brim, told her how. Then explained she would need to knit the body for 5 1/2" then we would talk decreases. Kristy want to really start this hat. I had her read the yarn label - it calls for size 10 needles. Not a 2 a 10! Yes, you read that right! A 10!

I let her go for the night. While working on a sock on two circulars size 2, I kept thinking of Kristy's hat...grabbed the phone and offered my size 10 circular. I just couldn't let her do it. I couldn't let her try and knit that hat with bulky yarn and a size 2 needle. Remember the yarn Kristy bought for knitting one day? That yarn could work with her size 2!

Kristy will get her hat. She will continue knitting for the rest of her life. I will have a partner-in-crime for Local Yarn Shop runs! A knitter enables another knitter to knit!!!!! My good deed for the day is done! Huzzah!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Finally Did It!

While running and getting other shopping done, I stopped at my favorite LYS. I mean it was on the way! I hit the clearance stuff 1st, finding a yarn that will be perfect for a couple of prayer shawls I'm working on.

On to the yarn department! Bamboo blends, classic wool, alpaca, silk blends, soft cotton....yum! There in the sock yarn I found a skein of Bernat Sox - Faded Denim. No one in particular came to mind to make a pair of socks for. Just the yarn itself calling to me. I picked it up, checking it out. Enough yardage to make a complete pair of socks from one skein. Loved the color. But, I have yarn for a pair of socks sitting at home. I have the second sock of another pair 1/2 way done.

I don't buy yarn just because...until now! Ha, ha...I finally did it! I bought a skein of yarn just because I liked it! Leave it to me to take my 1st plunge into buying just because and buy sock yarn. One skein only!

I don't plan on making this a habit...honest!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Is It The Process or The Project?

Oh, I love that sweater! It's the perfect baby shower gift. Should make a few up to have on hand. That got me thinking: why do I cast on anyway?

Is it the project? Picking the pattern for the recipient, then the yarn. Casting on the needles and start knitting away, piece by piece until it's done and ready for blocking and making up. Oh, forgot all 'bout the swatch that needs to be done 1st! Cannot forget the swatch! Very important that swatch! Watch the piece grow with each stitch and row. Love it! A finished project is a wonderful thing!


Is it the process? The feel of the yarn? The movement of the needles? The way the whole thing feels as I rest it in my lap for a sip of good tea? The material of the needles? Bamboo or wood thank you very much. Very elemental in my fiber crafts I am. Finding a mistake...and rippit back to fix that mistake and knit again? Or just knitting a swatch...the dreaded swatch can be fun too...if you like pulling teeth. Swatch I must, but swatch I don't like. I've been known to rip out a whole project and knit the yarn into something else.

Looking at what's on my needles, one would think projects. I do have many projects...no, I won't count and you cannot make me! I can pick up something and it's like a whole new project. From the casting on a new project to the finish...if I do get to the finish. I must absolutely must have a sock in the works. Don't know why I like knitting socks, don't need to find out either, I just do. Happiness is a sock on-the-needles! I do buy my yarn for a specific projects. Just can't seem to buy yarn just because I love it! Want to learn but haven't yet.

The fact that I like to rippit and knit something else when a project isn't working for me tells me it's the process. The meditative rhythm of knitting keeps me from needing medication! Come to think of it a shot of whiskey or maybe a beer would help during the "bad" project! I'm The Knitting Apprentice, I learn from those who have knit before me. I learn from those who I drag into the madness that is knitting. I'm always looking for some technique or pattern I haven't tried. It seems the process is winning.

I've found I am both - process and project. Depends on the project and the deadline. The yarn that I've been dying to try. The giftee, be it baby, critter or hubby and everyone in between.
"It's sunny beginning of February, but the temps are single digits" seem to have impact on my knitting for the day. So Monday I was project, Tuesday I found the process was what made me happy and Wednesday is a combo.

Whether you are a project knitter or a knitter for the process enjoy the journey! Cast on and knit!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cast On Fever aka Cabin Fever

What ya working on? What's sitting on your needles? How many pairs of needles can you fill up?
Why are you looking at patterns? Why are you stash diving and coming up with three different yarns to make something with? Me thinks I have Cabin Fever. Winter is getting to me. Lots of snow, cold temps and not being able to get out among people. Maybe I should hibernate...no I must find something to knit. Something new, fun and well, nothing I have on-the-needles already. I must have Cast On Fever!
  • One sock done! I need to get the other one started....(whew, that was close...came close to sock withdrawal). The second sock of the pair is on the needles!
  • Two prayer shawls are in the works. One in jewels tones, the other in taupe, cream and white. Basic garter stitch with a yarn over at the start of every row until desired length.
  • A pillow! Yeah, that's the ticket. Lion Brand Suede and Fancy Fur trim!
  • What's this? Oh I want to make that! Where's some cotton? Shoot, need to get some. (need to pick of three skeins of Peaches and Cream cotton while out on errands). Got it! Casting on a sweater for baby Hannah.
  • A felted purse? What size needles? Where did I put that yarn? Found it! Happy to be casting on!
  • There is the hat for Phat Flag Hat that I'm working on. Wonderful alpaca yarn - yum.
  • To add to the Hat project a pair of fingerless gloves. Their more of a tip-less type. My very 1st attempt at designing! I'm having a blast! Not a scary as I thought!
When cast on fever hits, it hits hard! Can't seem to focus on a single project. I'm hopping from the sock, to the shawl, to the sweater, to the other shawl and then to the purse. That doesn't count the Works-In-Progress I have been working on either. Frogging a sweater, remaking it back into balls to use again. Finishing that skirt that's actually for Fall. Another pair of socks that the pattern is soooo boring that I am going rippit and start them again. Why? Because I love to knit socks!

Who knows what tomorrow will bring! I'm happily casting-on until all my needles are full!

Almost forgot the pair of mittens for kids. An extra pair around is always handy!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Knitting Frenzy

Having a blast and enjoying myself:

Casting On (CO) - socks. The pattern I picked suggests warm colors liken to fire. I'm using a cool greens and blues skein. Totally coloring outside the lines.

CO - fingerless gloves. From the Phat Hat swap on Monthly Adventures group on Ravelry. Using the deep red alpaca skein for them. Designing my first pattern! Many rip-pits will be done I can just feel it!

CO - the off-white and blue skeins from the Phat Hat swap and yes, it is a hat! A pattern I found in Spin Off magazine.

CO - a felted purse. I love felted purses! This one is in pinks, reds, oranges and browns. Paton's Classic Merino Wool.

Read in one of my Ravelry groups - Yarnaholics Anonymous of a possible
Heads + Hands + Handbags + and Feet Crochet/Knit Along in a team theme I guess. I want to be going as an individual entrant and do all four! Oh yeah - already am knitting that!

Then there is the squirrel that's almost done,the poodle that needs it's legs and the sleeved wrap that needs a few inches done.

Variety keeps me happy. Variety keeps the needles clicking. Variety is easy to pick up one project, shove it into the knittin' bag and hit the road. Variety gets done! I definitely am not a monogamous knitter!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Merry Knitting New Year!

Been reading the posts at Ravelry about New Year's Yarn Resolutions in many of the groups I'm a member. I rarely, if ever, make "Resolutions" - I make Adjustments!

So in keeping with the New Year spirit, I will adjust:

  • Get my Works-In-Progresses (WIPs) done or frogged back into skeins. The frogged skeins would be like getting new yarn and not spending a dime! One sweater is getting the frog treatment and I already know what it wants be knit into!
  • Twelve months 'til Christmas 2009: An item a month will be created so I won't be giving yarn, picture of future gift and a note stating, "Sorry the knitting fairies dropped the needles". It's doable and yes, I have the list started!
  • I buy yarn for a certain project. I rarely buy yarn just because it's on sale, new, some fiber I haven't tried yet, or because someone else is eyeing the last 15 skeins in the super sale bin of a mustard yellow rough acrylic. If I do find something I love: I get out my knitting journal to see what project the yarn would be best in. I do buy yarn when I have a project in mind and the yarn is on special even if I have 5 projects OTNs (On-The-Needles) and I won't get to the new yarn and project for 6 months. Which brings me to the reason I just rattled on....I have a few projects...okay...6 projects that are still waiting for me to get started on and now I will finally cast-on and finish them one a month.
  • Not doing a yarn diet. I have missed specials while on the last diet. When you like natural fibers and like to save a couple of bucks...you hit the specials! No yarn diet for me! I don't have that much in my stash anyway. It would be cool to be reading late at night, find a pattern I have to Cast-on asap and have a yarn to do it...but just can't pack rat myself into it.
  • Spin my fleeces that are waiting to become yarn. Some I will prep myself; the llama, and alpaca. The sheep and the mohair will be sent to Frankenmuth Woolen Mills and made into tops for me to spin. Then I can make colors and such just for me! Anyone looking for hot pink, yellow and orange yarn?
  • Enjoy my creating! Even if I have to rippit, rippit, rippit before I get the project done
Adjustments are written down. Now to find that size 7 - 16" inch circular needle that I misplaced in the last week....I want to make a hat!