Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cast On Fever aka Cabin Fever

What ya working on? What's sitting on your needles? How many pairs of needles can you fill up?
Why are you looking at patterns? Why are you stash diving and coming up with three different yarns to make something with? Me thinks I have Cabin Fever. Winter is getting to me. Lots of snow, cold temps and not being able to get out among people. Maybe I should I must find something to knit. Something new, fun and well, nothing I have on-the-needles already. I must have Cast On Fever!
  • One sock done! I need to get the other one started....(whew, that was close...came close to sock withdrawal). The second sock of the pair is on the needles!
  • Two prayer shawls are in the works. One in jewels tones, the other in taupe, cream and white. Basic garter stitch with a yarn over at the start of every row until desired length.
  • A pillow! Yeah, that's the ticket. Lion Brand Suede and Fancy Fur trim!
  • What's this? Oh I want to make that! Where's some cotton? Shoot, need to get some. (need to pick of three skeins of Peaches and Cream cotton while out on errands). Got it! Casting on a sweater for baby Hannah.
  • A felted purse? What size needles? Where did I put that yarn? Found it! Happy to be casting on!
  • There is the hat for Phat Flag Hat that I'm working on. Wonderful alpaca yarn - yum.
  • To add to the Hat project a pair of fingerless gloves. Their more of a tip-less type. My very 1st attempt at designing! I'm having a blast! Not a scary as I thought!
When cast on fever hits, it hits hard! Can't seem to focus on a single project. I'm hopping from the sock, to the shawl, to the sweater, to the other shawl and then to the purse. That doesn't count the Works-In-Progress I have been working on either. Frogging a sweater, remaking it back into balls to use again. Finishing that skirt that's actually for Fall. Another pair of socks that the pattern is soooo boring that I am going rippit and start them again. Why? Because I love to knit socks!

Who knows what tomorrow will bring! I'm happily casting-on until all my needles are full!

Almost forgot the pair of mittens for kids. An extra pair around is always handy!

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