Monday, January 12, 2009

Knitting Frenzy

Having a blast and enjoying myself:

Casting On (CO) - socks. The pattern I picked suggests warm colors liken to fire. I'm using a cool greens and blues skein. Totally coloring outside the lines.

CO - fingerless gloves. From the Phat Hat swap on Monthly Adventures group on Ravelry. Using the deep red alpaca skein for them. Designing my first pattern! Many rip-pits will be done I can just feel it!

CO - the off-white and blue skeins from the Phat Hat swap and yes, it is a hat! A pattern I found in Spin Off magazine.

CO - a felted purse. I love felted purses! This one is in pinks, reds, oranges and browns. Paton's Classic Merino Wool.

Read in one of my Ravelry groups - Yarnaholics Anonymous of a possible
Heads + Hands + Handbags + and Feet Crochet/Knit Along in a team theme I guess. I want to be going as an individual entrant and do all four! Oh yeah - already am knitting that!

Then there is the squirrel that's almost done,the poodle that needs it's legs and the sleeved wrap that needs a few inches done.

Variety keeps me happy. Variety keeps the needles clicking. Variety is easy to pick up one project, shove it into the knittin' bag and hit the road. Variety gets done! I definitely am not a monogamous knitter!

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