Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Knitting

Happy Christmas!

Getting down to the wire for Christmas knitting. Actually have 10 days left! Awesome!

8 sets for fingerless gloves/wrist warmers. A cowl, a few hats, and scarves. (many, many scarves).

And now I find a great project on - Its-a-cracker! Like I need another project but quick, easy, fresh and different is for me! It's a great left-over stash buster. (yes, I have other patterns for that but I can see knitting these all year and changing them up depending on what/who they are for!)

"Christmas knitting is such a chore".
"I am so behind in my knitting for gifts".
"I'll be knitting until the wee hours of Christmas Eve to finish".

Okay, get a grip people! You chose to do this knitting. If you're behind, don't whine, KNIT dang you, KNIT (or crochet) don't go around knitting forums complaining about how behind you are!

If you're behind - wrap the yarn up with a picture of the finished project and promise to get it done BEFORE next Christmas! I've done it and gosh darn if people still appreciate the gift! It's two gifts in one! The promise of the project and then the project when it's done!

Speaking of knitting for Christmas - have another set of fingerless gloves to finish!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Storm

July 25th, 2012 at the county fair, the goat show is done, it's evening and getting the kids ready to catch some zzz's after a long day of showing. After they crash, I watch as the storm that was expected starts it's thing. High winds, heavy rain, lighting and a little thunder.

As the storm continues I see a few tents fall under the weight of the rain. A few people are grabbing a few things, getting in their cars and leaving. I watch as the wind whips through the trees. Having been through a couple of tornadoes I keep on eye on how the trees are been blown around and am happy that there will be no tornadoes tonight.

In the camper with three kids, 11, 10 and 9 and I need something to do. Reading is out as I can't concentrate as the wind whips around...(I'm not a fan of strong winds, and nearby trees). Knitting!
I need my knitting. Where the heck is that black finger-weight aka solid sock yarn? I have the pattern for the "WesKnits" newest shawl KAL and the 1st two clues. I have my varigated yarn all set, just need the black. Searching around a camper in a storm with a flashlight is rather fun. (Hey, it's a county fair, no electric or water hook-ups) restrooms and showers are in the visitor center).

Hmmm can't find the yarn...damn...I sent it home with some other supplies that were no longer needed. Saves space in the camper that way. Oh well, next choice: My Wingspan shawl in Mary Maxim's Mohair Glitter yarn. Simple garter stitch, and short rows...perfect! I knit by flashlight and watch the storm and the kids as they sleep. Have the need to go down to the goat tent and check on things but as I'm the only adult I can't. Besides I'm not leaving the kids without me on watch.

The storm finally settles into a light rain and I pack up my knitting, turn off the flashlight and catch a few hours of sleep. Early morning after breakfast we head to the goats and llamas. Llama tent is fine and so are the camelids. Stressed but fine. Now to the goat tent.

Yikes! All the decorations are broken (castle theme with wood as the towers). Pens are soaked. BUT all the critters are safe and unharmed. Seems the outside tent poles collapsed as the weight of the rain hit the roof and the sides came down dropping part of the roof with them. Thank heaven for hog panel and t-posts pens! The pens were able to hold the weight of the outside panels of the tent and kept the animals from harm!

Cleaning up pens and decorations took a bit but all was fresh and clean by the time we were done. I got a few more rows done on my Wingspan and again I marvel at how knitting once again became part of the fair!

Now to find that black yarn!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It Came Limping Back

My Mojo - the Knitting one- left me for over 6 weeks. I found it in Kansas during a visit with DD#2 and the two grandkids. Must have left some mojo down there. I wonder when I go back down to drive up to the mitten for their 5 week visit in a few weeks.

I just can't seem to create with a stick(s) and string. I'm working on a project...yes ONE project. It's at the end. Just need to do the edging and the shawl is done. Of course I forgot to mention that the next to last row contains 863 stitches. It's a simple Sl, K3tg, (that's 4 st.) PO, PO 1st over second st on right needle,  knit chain for 9 st. repeat. That's 215.75 repeats which with 9 chain st each repeat is approximately 1941 stitches! Yikes that's a heck of a lot of stitches! That is why it seems like it is taking forever!

Still I want to knit. I buy a couple of magazines for inspirations monthly. Go visit yarn at various stores and hoping touching/seeing them helps. Nope. Nothing. Hmmm...I hope this draught doesn't continue for much longer. I have yarn and I so want to use it!

I need chocolate!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Will You Be?

Found this at a "new-to-me" yarn shop in Romeo! I will be going back that's for sure!

4 oz of BFL roving that's been sitting in its bag for the last week. I just like looking at it.
Haven't been able to think of any project other than "just" yarn. Until today!

So it's decision time:

Wheel or Spindle: Wheel.

Which wheel: production? My hickory is loaded with Scottish Black Face wool. hmmm...

Pre-drafting? yes

Long or short draw? Short

What project? Well should really figure that out first then the rest will follow. Spinning for a specific project can add sooo much excitement for the yarn! Most likely another shawlette or wrap

Singles or plied? Singles

WPI (wraps per inch)? That's a good question!

I spun it and loved it! I have to get some more of that roving! Spun 289 yds would be 1156 yds for 16 ozs. Skeined and ready for when I find the right pattern!

Where is it anyway?

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning - SC. I normally do Fall Cleaning as being on a farm, dirt road and Spring being mud season it makes more sense. That way come Christmas my house is set and I can spend the winter knitting, spinning, creating and fun stuff.

Part of my SC is cleaning up anything on the www. From this blog, to Knit Meter, to Ravelry (cleaning up my queue, stash and project lists), Yahoo and other sites I play on I'm being ruthless and putting everything up to speed or deleted. Which brought me to my blog which I have been neglecting -total neglect. Hey, I had to use dial-up. Can you blame me? Now, my "tether" aka cell phone being a hot spot I can write and post and not worry if it actually posted.

Other things that are getting cleaned: workroom/office, basement (where I make my goat milk soap), barn, grooming pastures, (there is nothing like getting a fiber animal in your hands w/ the fiber is filled w/ pickers. OUCH), and general toss it activity.

Another area in dire need of refreshing: patterns, books, needles, yarn, fleeces, WIPs - it's finish-it or frog-it time the list is looong. But it's a chance to see what grabs my attention, or bores me to tears and adjust as needed. Rather theraputic when ya think about it. Makes ya face that Gosh-darn awful scarve that makes you cry "ugh" and put it back under the pile so you don't have to face the fact that it is ugly, ugly, ugly and you will never finish it. FROG the darn thing and get "new yarn".Yarn sitting in-waiting is fine.
It doesn't scream "you don't pay any attention to me".
 "I feel so alone".
 "You'd pay attention to me if I was made w/ that blue alpaca yarn".
 "Yes I'm guilty of all that. I'm just not very happy w/ the way you are turning out".
 "I will frog you and put you back into skeins so you can dream of being something wonderful".
"Until that time - shut it!"

So I talk, whisper, or yell to my yarn. I'm not the only one! Just visit Ravelry and you'll see what I mean. It's not like I'm holding it and making promises I won't keep just to give it attention. As in all relationships we all have said things we wish we could take back...k...some of my yarn has heard some very unkind things and I won't take it back. "I hate you" has been known to be heard. I just need to rethink the project, and the yarn I chosen. Hey don't mess w/ the lady w/ multiple sets of DPNs. Yarn should understand that!

So what the heck is on my needles?

~A shawlette in Cascade 220 Heathers Green. Have 1/2 of a row to finish before the cast-off. Mind you this finally row is over 800 stitches!

~The 1st of 3 Bulky Sweater Jackets w/ Bernat Softee Chunky.

~ a couple of pairs of socks that I have to finish!

~and a few other things that need to be blocked, sewn-up, what have you.

Speaking of the shawl...where did I put it?