Thursday, June 14, 2012

It Came Limping Back

My Mojo - the Knitting one- left me for over 6 weeks. I found it in Kansas during a visit with DD#2 and the two grandkids. Must have left some mojo down there. I wonder when I go back down to drive up to the mitten for their 5 week visit in a few weeks.

I just can't seem to create with a stick(s) and string. I'm working on a project...yes ONE project. It's at the end. Just need to do the edging and the shawl is done. Of course I forgot to mention that the next to last row contains 863 stitches. It's a simple Sl, K3tg, (that's 4 st.) PO, PO 1st over second st on right needle,  knit chain for 9 st. repeat. That's 215.75 repeats which with 9 chain st each repeat is approximately 1941 stitches! Yikes that's a heck of a lot of stitches! That is why it seems like it is taking forever!

Still I want to knit. I buy a couple of magazines for inspirations monthly. Go visit yarn at various stores and hoping touching/seeing them helps. Nope. Nothing. Hmmm...I hope this draught doesn't continue for much longer. I have yarn and I so want to use it!

I need chocolate!