Sunday, March 8, 2009

During Lent

The Lenten Season is a time of preparation, penitence and prayer. It is also a time that some denominations "fast" from something. No chocolate, no chips, pop or tv during the season, meatless Fridays. It must be something that is difficult to abstain. I've done the chocolate thing...not pretty but I did it! Change has come to this Lenten practice: add something that helps you or others. Something that you need to do but as all habits take 21 days to make or break, Lent is a great time to start!

So what have I decided to do during Lent? Thought of my cola habit, chocolate, adding miles to my walking, the list was interesting. After a recent yarn purchase...$117 worth of yarn for $30! I needed to add another option: Finish all WIPs! Seeing my list here on my blog shows I have many things to finish or rip out and reskein the yarn for a future project. So after my huge "shopping spree": hey, I got clearance yarn for 80% off and I was waiting for just that for some of the yarn I got! I don't like paying full price! Sales and discounts are the thing!

Back to my WIPs...after my 3rd Prayer shawl, I realized that yes, finishing what's sitting on-the-needles, stitch holders and maybe I am not really happy with that project is a perfect Lenten practice for me! The new yarn is calling me! I want to cast on something new but I need to finish at least 6 things first! (I didn't say I wouldn't start anything new - I have 3 bday presents and an Easter sweater to cast-on.) I must finish all current projects by Easter!!!!! Anything started now does have deadlines - most of them happen to be in Lent - go figure.

These projects are getting done! So far, 3 shawls, and a two-layer alpaca hat. At the moment I'm working hard on Hannah's baby sweater. That is the other thing I'm doing during this time; working on the current project and only the current project. That takes patience and self-control I must admit! I have a pair of tipless gloves I'm designing, Jolie's bday sweater, the intarsia sweater for Chealee, the cardigan in a wonderful cotton call from deep inside the dresser where I put my stalled projects, I crave the variety they all bring!

So, this Lenten season has me knitting all WIPs and working them one at a time until they are done. Maybe one or two can become the bday presents! There are times I want to set down the very long series of garter stitch (knitting every row) and grab something more interesting, but I say a prayer for strength, take a deep breath or three, and make a pot of sweet tea and sit down and pick up the needles and get the project done! Easter will shine bright and warm, and I'll have everything I've neglected and sitting in the dark done!!!!

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