Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Is It The Process or The Project?

Oh, I love that sweater! It's the perfect baby shower gift. Should make a few up to have on hand. That got me thinking: why do I cast on anyway?

Is it the project? Picking the pattern for the recipient, then the yarn. Casting on the needles and start knitting away, piece by piece until it's done and ready for blocking and making up. Oh, forgot all 'bout the swatch that needs to be done 1st! Cannot forget the swatch! Very important that swatch! Watch the piece grow with each stitch and row. Love it! A finished project is a wonderful thing!


Is it the process? The feel of the yarn? The movement of the needles? The way the whole thing feels as I rest it in my lap for a sip of good tea? The material of the needles? Bamboo or wood thank you very much. Very elemental in my fiber crafts I am. Finding a mistake...and rippit back to fix that mistake and knit again? Or just knitting a swatch...the dreaded swatch can be fun too...if you like pulling teeth. Swatch I must, but swatch I don't like. I've been known to rip out a whole project and knit the yarn into something else.

Looking at what's on my needles, one would think projects. I do have many projects...no, I won't count and you cannot make me! I can pick up something and it's like a whole new project. From the casting on a new project to the finish...if I do get to the finish. I must absolutely must have a sock in the works. Don't know why I like knitting socks, don't need to find out either, I just do. Happiness is a sock on-the-needles! I do buy my yarn for a specific projects. Just can't seem to buy yarn just because I love it! Want to learn but haven't yet.

The fact that I like to rippit and knit something else when a project isn't working for me tells me it's the process. The meditative rhythm of knitting keeps me from needing medication! Come to think of it a shot of whiskey or maybe a beer would help during the "bad" project! I'm The Knitting Apprentice, I learn from those who have knit before me. I learn from those who I drag into the madness that is knitting. I'm always looking for some technique or pattern I haven't tried. It seems the process is winning.

I've found I am both - process and project. Depends on the project and the deadline. The yarn that I've been dying to try. The giftee, be it baby, critter or hubby and everyone in between.
"It's sunny beginning of February, but the temps are single digits" seem to have impact on my knitting for the day. So Monday I was project, Tuesday I found the process was what made me happy and Wednesday is a combo.

Whether you are a project knitter or a knitter for the process enjoy the journey! Cast on and knit!

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