Monday, June 1, 2009

Whose Bright Idea Was This?

"Just how many socks do you have going?" Hubby asks.
"3, with 3 more skeins waiting". I reply.
"Is that all?" Hubby says laughing.
"Yes, I want to see which method of knitting sock I like."

Flashback: I wanted to see which of three methods of knitting socks I prefer. Magic Loop (a 36-40" circular) knitting 2 socks at once, 2 Socks on 2 circulars, and using double-pointed-needles (dpns) knitting 1 sock at a time (I don't suffer from Second Sock Syndrome).

I usually use DPNs for knitting socks. It's the way I caught the sock knitting bug. Yet, if there is a way to that makes 2 socks at the same time. I'm willing to give it a shot. Since I don't have books on the different sock methods, I hit the web. After reading a few different people's versions on the two methods I jumped in. Also, their guesstimate on the time saved in doing the two socks at the same time was an interesting factor. From 1/3 to 1/2 in time reduction for the knitting. That would be nice!

Magic Loop - 2 socks at a time....found a pattern I like. It's toe up. Figured since I was going to try other needle methods may as well as in the toe-up version to keep things interesting. Once I got the cast on figured out I hit the floor running. Easy, fun and if I make a mistake... I seem to do it on both socks. They are a couple and so it seems right.

I must admit; I have made one pair of socks using 2 circulars to knit a pair of socks. I am doing another pair so I have all three methods going on at once. Easier to compare for me that way.
The socks are cuff down and I am working on the ribbing.

The DPNs socks - one down, one to go.

I am getting yards knitted during my research. And 3 pairs of socks will be done too! Nice bonus!

Still whose bright idea was this anyway? I knit socks with DPNs. Why try Magic Loop and 2 circulars to knit a pair of socks? What was I thinking? Knitting 20 rounds on this pair...and repeat on the two others. The only difference is one pair is toe-up.

I have gotten myself confused a couple of times. Thinking I was knitting 2 Circulars and actually was doing Magic Loop made for a few intense moments of finding where to put the loop again.

It's fun and educational. Again, whose bright idea was this?


tinebeest said...

I have tried all three, and I actually prefer dpns (shoot me, I know, how anti-establishment I am!). To me it seems to go faster, perhaps because of the way I knit. I usually use short dpns, but I may try with the long (40cm) dpns I am using for the gansey, because that is the traditional sock needle back home.

If I do toe-up to get the most out of the yarn, I will knit 10 rows on sock A, then 10 on sock B.

The Knitting Apprentice said...

I am a dpner myself. Just wanted to see what the hubbub was all about. lmao....I'm getting 3 pairs of socks done out of the deal!