Monday, September 21, 2015

Recovery - aka Driving Mama Stir Crazy

I finally got my gall bladder surgery w/ a hernia repair added! Which made my recovery from 2 wks to 3. First few days the meds kept me from doing much but sleep.

Then I had to do something. Of course it involved sticks and strings. I had figured out a few things to do before surgery and had everything set up. Then it was what do I want to do - really do. Did an Octavia the Octopus from    in bright pink, black and yellow. Haven't decided if it's male or female as many octopi are naturally pink. It will go as part of my sales display for my soap and fiber business. Along with my sheep and llamas I've been collecting.

Next project...everyone seems to be doing the Virus Shawl. Started on one but really wasn't not happy with the pattern so I switched to the actually Virus Shawl. Much happier with that pattern. Used Mary Maxim's Prism in black and raindrop. Love how it turned out. One Christmas gift done!

Time to dig. Pulled out the hat I had made for my son from last Christmas. Never got Bowser on it until now. Duplicate stitch as I reallly dislike fair isle in the round. I dislike hats knit flat and seamed too so it was the usual hat in the round followed w/ the duplicate stitch for a done hat! He's happy to have it and does know that it is wool so no washing machine for that unless he wants it to fit his small sock monkey I made him.

Started a sweater for Courtney for Christmas - Ginny's Cardigan in dark green. Courtney is an owl nut so it's the perfect sweater for her!

Worked on a pair of socks. 1st one is almost done. It's blues and beige for my cousin. I added pink because it's my favorite color and not hers to be a pain! So whenever she wears them she will see me when her feet are up! Ha Jessi!

Played around with those coloring pages that are the rage - working out color combos for my fiber dyeing I can start back into again. It's interesting what happens when you add an unexpected color to a grouping. It is either a nice surprise or a dud.

The most interesting thing about recovery is I got my knitting mojo back and now I can't get enough. I am on fire and happy to be back to my knitting!

Now to get the clearance to get the okay to get back to farm life. I could let the chickens out, collect eggs and milk goats but not handle the bucket as I had a weight limit and my does are producers!!!!

ETA: Post opp visit: another week added on the weight limits building back to my farmer carrying weight of over 50-75lbs by December. Staying on a low fat diet. And the taking it easy is done. Now I can get things done before the winter!

So bring on the knit!!