Monday, January 18, 2010

New Year, New Resolutions - NOT!

Doesn't time fly by when you are doing other things than blogging?

A new year: time for reflection, dreaming, goal setting and making changes. Not me! I don't due the resolution thing. Setting myself up for more stress, frustration and possible failure. Why even bother? Okay, maybe a few modifications would be fine.

Enter my yarn stash. It's small by many standards. Just stash looking on Ravelry proves that there are many stashes much larger than mine!!!!

Back to the stash; it was in great need of a new storing system. Clear zipper bags, extra-large to small where I could see all the yarn all the time seemed to work. It actually lulled me into a false sense of organization. I started dumping partial skeins of yarn in one bag, of course the end result was one too many yarn searches and it became a tangled mess. The rest of the skeins looked at me from the shelves (one unit by-the-way) calling, wanting to be made into something. The skeins were bought for a project and I would just place them in any bag that was handy. The day after Christmas, I had had it with the storage system.

I attacked the stash, grabbing boxes with lids, setting them on the floor, table, where ever there was space. Grabbed the 1st bag, playing "basketball" sorting the yarns by type, cotton, wool, acrylic and a few weird novelity yarns. Grabbed a marker and labeled what was in each box. Then up on a shelf the boxes went!

The mixed up bag I brought downstairs and untangled all the yarn and placed it in yet another box. This box is full of all the acrylic yarns, made into balls and ready for a toy making binge. Amigurumi - crochet or knit - I swing both ways!

The result? I feel more organized then ever. I know what is where and can grab the next project in seconds. It's funny how hiding the yarn in cardboard boxes resulted in a more peaceful stash.
I don't walk into my office/craft room and feel overwhelmed with all the clear bags and yarn, the boxes are perfect! Funny - I had to hide the stash to be more productive - who knew.

So, I guess that's my knitting resolution: reorganizing the stash and knitting box by box!