Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Seasons are Not in Alignment

It doesn't matter how well you plan. It doesn't matter how fast you knit. It doesn't matter who/what or why you are knitting. The season you should be knitting for is the next one!

Knitting a sweater takes time. Lots and lots of time. You buy the newest magazine, dreaming of a wonderful 100% silky cotton sweater for Spring. You find the perfect pattern right in the middle of said magazine. You even have the yarn laying-in-waiting for just this project.

The tail-end of Winter is giving you a taste of Spring - weather is warm enough for a sweatshirt in place of a heavy coat. You cast knit for a few inches enjoying the feel of the cotton and the fabric you are creating. You set it down and go to bed and dream of how nice that sweater is going to feel on a still cool Spring day. You wake up - snow, snow and blowing snow. Spring is just around the corner but Winter is reminding you it is well, Winter. Cold, harsh, cold Winter.

That wonderful Spring sweater looks at you, you look out the window at the blowing snow, you look at the sweater and again at the snow. Bam, you go diving into your WIPs and find something warm, thick and soft to work on. It is amazing how just a little snow can make you yearn for chase away the cold knitting instead of the knitting that you need to do for the coming season! It amazes me how a little precipitation can make you switch your knitting!

Redwing Blackbirds are back! That means Spring is very near!!! Probably should get back to that Spring/Summer knitting. After I finish this warm, thick pair of slippers!

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