Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Seasons are Not in Alignment

It doesn't matter how well you plan. It doesn't matter how fast you knit. It doesn't matter who/what or why you are knitting. The season you should be knitting for is the next one!

Knitting a sweater takes time. Lots and lots of time. You buy the newest magazine, dreaming of a wonderful 100% silky cotton sweater for Spring. You find the perfect pattern right in the middle of said magazine. You even have the yarn laying-in-waiting for just this project.

The tail-end of Winter is giving you a taste of Spring - weather is warm enough for a sweatshirt in place of a heavy coat. You cast knit for a few inches enjoying the feel of the cotton and the fabric you are creating. You set it down and go to bed and dream of how nice that sweater is going to feel on a still cool Spring day. You wake up - snow, snow and blowing snow. Spring is just around the corner but Winter is reminding you it is well, Winter. Cold, harsh, cold Winter.

That wonderful Spring sweater looks at you, you look out the window at the blowing snow, you look at the sweater and again at the snow. Bam, you go diving into your WIPs and find something warm, thick and soft to work on. It is amazing how just a little snow can make you yearn for chase away the cold knitting instead of the knitting that you need to do for the coming season! It amazes me how a little precipitation can make you switch your knitting!

Redwing Blackbirds are back! That means Spring is very near!!! Probably should get back to that Spring/Summer knitting. After I finish this warm, thick pair of slippers!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Knitter Doesn't Let Another Knitter...

Knit a hat with a super chunky yarn on a size two circular! The frustration for the new knitter. The fabric that would be created...not gonna even think about that!

Kristy is a new knitter. She bought yarn because she liked it and wanted to one day knit. Kristy went to Mt. Bruce fall weekend and bought a 'how to knit socks on two circular' book and two Addi Turbo circular needles - size two. You see where I'm headed yet?

There was a knitting group at our local library where I taught knitting and had fun. Invited Kristy and she has a knack for it. Her tension was awesome. Kristy learned how to knit and purl in less than 15 minutes and still had awesome tension! It has begun.

Kristy and I went for a LYS run. She found some yarn that she wanted to make into socks. Kristy doesn't start small does she? We tried the two wasn't working for her. I loaned her a set of bamboo double pointed needles...she was on to getting a sock started and finished! Huzzah Kristy! She now is suffering SSS - Second Sock's on the needles and that's about it.

Enter the bulky yarn. Kristy wants a soft hat. A soft barn hat. She's trying them on her size two circular. I must admit I prefer to knit hats on a circular. No need to sew up the back which is the way I like it! Kristy says she wants a hat without a seam. Makes sense doesn't it? Kristy admits she has ripped it out a few times. She doesn't have a pattern she was just gonna figure it out on her own. Guts that girl! I told her how to start her basic hat. Measure her head, find the stitches per inch she was getting. Multiply the head measurement and her stitches per inch to get her cast on number. She asked about a folded brim, told her how. Then explained she would need to knit the body for 5 1/2" then we would talk decreases. Kristy want to really start this hat. I had her read the yarn label - it calls for size 10 needles. Not a 2 a 10! Yes, you read that right! A 10!

I let her go for the night. While working on a sock on two circulars size 2, I kept thinking of Kristy's hat...grabbed the phone and offered my size 10 circular. I just couldn't let her do it. I couldn't let her try and knit that hat with bulky yarn and a size 2 needle. Remember the yarn Kristy bought for knitting one day? That yarn could work with her size 2!

Kristy will get her hat. She will continue knitting for the rest of her life. I will have a partner-in-crime for Local Yarn Shop runs! A knitter enables another knitter to knit!!!!! My good deed for the day is done! Huzzah!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Finally Did It!

While running and getting other shopping done, I stopped at my favorite LYS. I mean it was on the way! I hit the clearance stuff 1st, finding a yarn that will be perfect for a couple of prayer shawls I'm working on.

On to the yarn department! Bamboo blends, classic wool, alpaca, silk blends, soft cotton....yum! There in the sock yarn I found a skein of Bernat Sox - Faded Denim. No one in particular came to mind to make a pair of socks for. Just the yarn itself calling to me. I picked it up, checking it out. Enough yardage to make a complete pair of socks from one skein. Loved the color. But, I have yarn for a pair of socks sitting at home. I have the second sock of another pair 1/2 way done.

I don't buy yarn just because...until now! Ha, ha...I finally did it! I bought a skein of yarn just because I liked it! Leave it to me to take my 1st plunge into buying just because and buy sock yarn. One skein only!

I don't plan on making this a habit...honest!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Is It The Process or The Project?

Oh, I love that sweater! It's the perfect baby shower gift. Should make a few up to have on hand. That got me thinking: why do I cast on anyway?

Is it the project? Picking the pattern for the recipient, then the yarn. Casting on the needles and start knitting away, piece by piece until it's done and ready for blocking and making up. Oh, forgot all 'bout the swatch that needs to be done 1st! Cannot forget the swatch! Very important that swatch! Watch the piece grow with each stitch and row. Love it! A finished project is a wonderful thing!


Is it the process? The feel of the yarn? The movement of the needles? The way the whole thing feels as I rest it in my lap for a sip of good tea? The material of the needles? Bamboo or wood thank you very much. Very elemental in my fiber crafts I am. Finding a mistake...and rippit back to fix that mistake and knit again? Or just knitting a swatch...the dreaded swatch can be fun too...if you like pulling teeth. Swatch I must, but swatch I don't like. I've been known to rip out a whole project and knit the yarn into something else.

Looking at what's on my needles, one would think projects. I do have many, I won't count and you cannot make me! I can pick up something and it's like a whole new project. From the casting on a new project to the finish...if I do get to the finish. I must absolutely must have a sock in the works. Don't know why I like knitting socks, don't need to find out either, I just do. Happiness is a sock on-the-needles! I do buy my yarn for a specific projects. Just can't seem to buy yarn just because I love it! Want to learn but haven't yet.

The fact that I like to rippit and knit something else when a project isn't working for me tells me it's the process. The meditative rhythm of knitting keeps me from needing medication! Come to think of it a shot of whiskey or maybe a beer would help during the "bad" project! I'm The Knitting Apprentice, I learn from those who have knit before me. I learn from those who I drag into the madness that is knitting. I'm always looking for some technique or pattern I haven't tried. It seems the process is winning.

I've found I am both - process and project. Depends on the project and the deadline. The yarn that I've been dying to try. The giftee, be it baby, critter or hubby and everyone in between.
"It's sunny beginning of February, but the temps are single digits" seem to have impact on my knitting for the day. So Monday I was project, Tuesday I found the process was what made me happy and Wednesday is a combo.

Whether you are a project knitter or a knitter for the process enjoy the journey! Cast on and knit!