Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What to do When Your Mojo Comes up Missing

    No desire to pick up your current WIP? Then don't. That's right: don't touch it. Let it sit where you left it. Okay, if it's where a pet or youngling can get it and "play" with it, by all means put it somewhere safe. But again leave it alone. Lacking the knitting mojo is no different than a writer's block or an artist's blank canvas staring back at them. Best thing for them is to get away from the desk or easel and take a break.

    Maybe take a walk. Pick up that book you've been wanting to read - an actually book. The type that has pages to turn and a book mark. Tablets are great but they don't have the tactile experience that a real book gives you. How about that junk drawer that needs reorganizing? That pile of paper that needs shredding. (I admit there is something about shredding junk mail that is very therapeutic). That video game you have been secretly wanting to play: play it. (yes I play video games. No blood/horror/awful concepts, more puzzle/fun type - think Mario or maybe Lego). Watch a movie. I mean actually watch the movie without a project to keep you from actually seeing the movie. It's amazing how hard that is for me! I just can't sit there and watch a movie. I need something to do, but I make myself watch. Even if it's one you've "watched" a dozen times. You would be amazed on what you've missed! (I like Disney, Pixar type).

   Try another craft, beading, jewelry making, macrame, the list is endless. The objective is to revive your knitting mojo. Restart the engine that drives your desire to knit - anything. Maybe a small toy, even a swatch of your most luxurious yarn, or a dishcloth, or a finger puppet.

Now that I've said all that, I better take my own advice! Knitting mojo, where are you?  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Swatching...most all of us dislike swatching. But it is essential for knitting/crocheting a quality project. Instead of writing it myself, I'll let Liat Gat of tell ya! 
Liat Gat
Your devoted video knitting instructor

First, make it as big as you feel like. Two inches across, if you want.

Next, make a one-row garter-stitch edging by knitting the first AND second rows of the swatch, before continuing in stockinette stitch. Then, when it's time to bind off (after an inch if you feel like it), bind off knitwise on a purl row. Voila! A minimal-purling garter-stitch edging! This will help prevent the swatch from curling.

Third, tie knots in the tail of your yarn to correspond with the needle size you used on the swatch. For example, if you used a size 7 needle, tie 7 knots in the tail (see the photo below). This will help you remember if you decide to try a few different needle-sizes.

Fourth, block your swatch: stick it in a glass of water with a little soap for 10 minutes, then squeeze it out and lay it flat to dry. That way you can see how the yarn  will really look in a finished garment.

 Now you can measure your gauge and jot it down on the yarn tag. This way, when you see a pattern you like, you can say to yourself, yes, I have a yarn that would be perfect for this! And you'll have the swatch to back it up!


Here it is, Spring! At least it's attempting to be Spring in Michigan. Redwing Blackbirds and few others are home. The frogs are chirping. I don't know if the swans have come back though. I may have missed them flying over.

Spring: green grass, leaves on the trees, birds nesting and nothing and I mean nothing on my needles. Sort of the "I don't have anything to wear" syndrome but as in "there is nothing I want to knit". Really strange thing for me. I see inspiration everywhere, magazines, books I have or am interested in. New yarns in stores or yarn I've spun. Everything getting organized, needles, yarn (by type), hooks, do-dads that go w/ knitting and nothing.

I go into to the office/craft room and I see all this color in clear plastic containters. It calls to me and all I do is say "later", turn of the light and go back downstairs. Totally weird. I have WIPs that need finishing. I have finished or partially finished items that I want to frog - even that is not getting me knittin'.

I have a few things I want to show at a few fairs this year and not even the looming deadline of July is not getting me moving. (I'm knitting a doll w/ a ton of lace work and many, many pieces and I have a schedule I made up and I'm a week behind!) I want to knit. I really, truly do. It's not that I don't like knitting anymore. I just have no desire to knit. I mean I should work on Summer knitting. 3 months ahead just like the stores w/ clothing. No clicking of the needles.

So as Spring wakens the knitting mojo goes dormant.