Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Here it is, Spring! At least it's attempting to be Spring in Michigan. Redwing Blackbirds and few others are home. The frogs are chirping. I don't know if the swans have come back though. I may have missed them flying over.

Spring: green grass, leaves on the trees, birds nesting and nothing and I mean nothing on my needles. Sort of the "I don't have anything to wear" syndrome but as in "there is nothing I want to knit". Really strange thing for me. I see inspiration everywhere, magazines, books I have or am interested in. New yarns in stores or yarn I've spun. Everything getting organized, needles, yarn (by type), hooks, do-dads that go w/ knitting and nothing.

I go into to the office/craft room and I see all this color in clear plastic containters. It calls to me and all I do is say "later", turn of the light and go back downstairs. Totally weird. I have WIPs that need finishing. I have finished or partially finished items that I want to frog - even that is not getting me knittin'.

I have a few things I want to show at a few fairs this year and not even the looming deadline of July is not getting me moving. (I'm knitting a doll w/ a ton of lace work and many, many pieces and I have a schedule I made up and I'm a week behind!) I want to knit. I really, truly do. It's not that I don't like knitting anymore. I just have no desire to knit. I mean I should work on Summer knitting. 3 months ahead just like the stores w/ clothing. No clicking of the needles.

So as Spring wakens the earth...my knitting mojo goes dormant.

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