Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What to do When Your Mojo Comes up Missing

    No desire to pick up your current WIP? Then don't. That's right: don't touch it. Let it sit where you left it. Okay, if it's where a pet or youngling can get it and "play" with it, by all means put it somewhere safe. But again leave it alone. Lacking the knitting mojo is no different than a writer's block or an artist's blank canvas staring back at them. Best thing for them is to get away from the desk or easel and take a break.

    Maybe take a walk. Pick up that book you've been wanting to read - an actually book. The type that has pages to turn and a book mark. Tablets are great but they don't have the tactile experience that a real book gives you. How about that junk drawer that needs reorganizing? That pile of paper that needs shredding. (I admit there is something about shredding junk mail that is very therapeutic). That video game you have been secretly wanting to play: play it. (yes I play video games. No blood/horror/awful concepts, more puzzle/fun type - think Mario or maybe Lego). Watch a movie. I mean actually watch the movie without a project to keep you from actually seeing the movie. It's amazing how hard that is for me! I just can't sit there and watch a movie. I need something to do, but I make myself watch. Even if it's one you've "watched" a dozen times. You would be amazed on what you've missed! (I like Disney, Pixar type).

   Try another craft, beading, jewelry making, macrame, the list is endless. The objective is to revive your knitting mojo. Restart the engine that drives your desire to knit - anything. Maybe a small toy, even a swatch of your most luxurious yarn, or a dishcloth, or a finger puppet.

Now that I've said all that, I better take my own advice! Knitting mojo, where are you?