Sunday, March 9, 2008

Knitting Mojo

Knitting mojo...sometimes ya have it...sometimes ya don't.

Been knitting like a fiend. With knitting only from the stash. Knitting hats for mariners. Finishing works-in-progress - WIPs of knitting. I have spent anytime sitting down to knitting. If I'm sitting in the living room, I'm knitting.

The last two days I rarely picked up my sticks and strings. When I have knitted: I made tons of mistakes and that's not easy to do on a 2x2 rib. Not when you have made 14 hats in that pattern. Just can't get the groove going. I swear my "mojo" has upped and run off. I don't have an insane need to accomplish 2-3 inches in any given day. And that's a low estimate on the yardage I've knit.

It amazes me sometimes how I am so driven to knit and then like a switch, I'm not knitting. I'm thinking of patterns, reading how-tos, and even learning a new technique but not project knitting.

Hope to get the needles burning again so I can get these projects done, stash used up and be able to cast on a few projects I am itching to do. Yet, until the stash is down to a small tote and the WIPs are done, I won't start new projects. That is where my knitting mojo went. It's getting bored with what I'm doing I guess. Maybe casting on a totally new project would get me knitting like a crazed woman again. I tend to not "have fun" until the "chores" are done. Currently that is getting the acrylics for hats GONE, the WIPs put in the finished catagory, a large part of the stash used up I won't let myself play. Get a grip and cast on that Alpaca, that elastic yarn, that fantastic silk I'm wanting to be knit into a shrug.

Need to get the mojo back! Cast on and play!!!!

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